STRICKEN, the Installation
The installation STRICKEN is based on interviews with Black German women whose white grandmothers lived during the period of National Socialism. How do the generations interact with one another? What are the values that were passed on? Which ones were adopted, questioned, altered or rejected? The critical engagement with our ancestors’ legacy is at the core of this interdisciplinary work. As a visual framework Magda Korsinsky created an extensive textile installation. Fabrics and textile material from the grandmothers’ everyday lives were sewn together to create room dividers and patchworks of historical perspectives. Video and sound documents provide unique insights into the efficacious space of family heritage.
With kind support of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Berlin and Rudolf Augstein Stiftung.
In collaboration with SAVVY Contemporary e.V.
Director, installation, interviews: Magda Korsinsky
Sound / video projection: Stefan Schmied
Sewing assistance: Kunji Baerwald, Sofia Vannini
Interview partners: Binta, Denise, Matti, Miriam, Shaeen, Stephanie
pictures: Carolin Seeliger