While the exhibition TRANSFORMATION IV was being shown at the Temporary Gallery, two workshops spanning several days took place at the Rütli Campus with secondary grade pupils from the community school. They were supervised by the ethics and art teacher Christine Sader.
In May 2015, a group of youths looked at symbols and pictograms in the first workshop and designed symbols representing simple actions together with the artist.
Katja Pudor then transcribed these and they became part of her installation for TRANSFORMATION IV.
These same symbols also formed the basis for the second workshop, which was supervised not only by the artist, but also by the Berlin-based choreographer Magda Korsinsky and the Portuguese musician Rui Faustino. Other pupils transferred them to a performance that was shown in the gallery during the festival “48 Stunden Neukölln”. Parallel to this, part of the group experimented with Faustino and came up with rhythms for the performance.