I see myself – in you! Are we so similar in our anger, our sorrow, our laughter, our courage? Because externally, in our interests, in our family stories, we are clearly different. And yet, I transcend myself when I experience you.
For WERDEN (Becoming) visual artist and choreographer Magda Korsinsky came together with four FLINTA* to collectively reflect on their experiences and expertise. Because it isn’t easy to navigate through this society. Too much is needed to be achieved simultaneously: taking care of oneself, growing, recognizing and articulating one’s own desires, projecting oneself into the future, and creating one’s own alliances. This society poses too many obstacles for Black FLINTA*, too much violence. So where do they find strength and self-confidence as Black FLINTA* individuals? How do they choose their mirrors to grow from these images? What roles do media, friends, family members play? What do the struggles of the last thirty years mean to them? How do they deal with conflicts, and what dreams, ideas, and self-conceptions motivate them? This resulted in an archive, a choreographic and performative tapestry woven from the experiences of Black FLINTA*.
WERDEN is part of the dance series Wie ich werde, wie ich sein will (How I become, who I want to be) at Ballhaus Naunynstraße, in which three Black choreographers inquire about the important inspirations, solidarities, and connections for the empowerment of self-determined Black femininities.
With WERDEN, Magda Korsinsky presents her fourth choreographic work at Ballhaus Naunynstraße. In 2014, she created Gazes that Matter. This was followed by an installation in which she spoke with Afro-German women* about their white grandmothers socialized during the National Socialism era. This gave rise to the choreographic work STRICKEN (knitting) in 2019, which is now one of the most frequently performed pieces in the repertoire of Ballhaus Naunynstraße. In 2019, she presented PATTERNS with ten Black women on stage, a choreography of everyday gestures of Black self-assertion.
Conzept/Choreografie: Magda Korsinsky
Choreografy Assistance: Tiffani Achilleas
Dramaturgy Assistance: Assina Chara
Costume Design: Jaq Lisboa
Lightning Design: Thais Nepomuceno
Stage Design: Val de Licer
Writing Coaching: Pasquale Virginie Rotter, Jena Samura
Video Design: Mona Okulla Obua
Sound Design: Sky Deep Make Up: Leila Brunner
Productions Management: Caroline Bernhardt
With and by: Millie Engono, Jana Falcon, Kuloued Marohn, Turending Stelkens
Eine Produktion von Kultursprünge im Ballhaus Naunynstraße gemeinnützige GmbH, gefördert aus Mitteln des Landes Berlin und der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt, sowie des Hauptstadtkulturfonds, im Rahmen der Tanzreihe Wie ich werde, wie ich sein will.
Fotos: Wagner Carvalho